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The rule of 72The rule of 72
By ALEX.fyi Staff
The Rule of 72 and How Inflation Impacts Retirement Savings

by Craig Fowler We’ve all heard of or know people who have gotten rich overnight. Alas, for most people, saving for retirement and being able to maintain the lifestyle of one’s choice depends a lot more on the magic of compound interest than “winning the lottery.” But figuring out how much $100 will grow over […]

Regret Over Missed Opportunities Could Cost YouRegret Over Missed Opportunities Could Cost You
By ALEX.fyi Staff
Regret Over Missed Opportunities Could Cost You

You may be familiar with the theme. A neighbor, a friend, or a colleague tells you about a company he’s investing in that is expected to be the next Amazon. Because you are not one to make rash decisions, you hold off, choosing instead to see how it does for a period of time. Over […]