News You Can Use
If it’s true that journalists don’t reveal their sources, then you’re in luck. We’re not journalists! As professionals interested in all things retirement, we are always on the lookout for new news. Informed wisdom and reliable research on retirement aren’t always easy to come by.
Here are our top five trusted resources. In the spirit of sharing, we hope that they leave you feeling even savvier after reading than you were before you started.
1. Center for Retirement Research at Boston College
2. Stanford Center on Longevity
4. The New School’s Retirement Equity Lab
5. Brookings Institution’s Retirement Security Project
“We contain all the ages we have ever been.”
Anne Lamott
Fast Fact
Source: 2018 Merrill Lynch study, The Financial Journey of Modern
Even in your retirement, your adult children are watching.
“People’s financial habits and retirement planning are shaped by the
experiences of their parents.”
Learn the difference between a financial therapist and a financial advisor..
and understand when you might need the former.